November 13, 2012


Today was one of those days. You know where you over analyze everything that occurs but somehow, at the same time you feel like you just went through the motions? I'm a self-professed over analyzer.
The bean would say I give too much weight to my feelings and how other people act. It's true, but hard to change. I used to rag on people pleasers not even knowing I was one of them! I spend so much of my time and energy answering to other people's needs (and making sure I never make a mistake, which I always end up doing anyway) that my days fly by without me stopping to enjoy them. Its interesting that I find little details, trinkets, words and moments so intriguing. Maybe its because I so easily ignore them? I think everyone could use a lesson in slowing down.

One of my favorite verses ---Be still and know that I am God.

How powerful a few words can be. How powerful slowing down and NOT acting on anything can be.